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Some Puzzlement With Digital Downloads

All the rage on sites like Etsy is the presence of digital downloads in many a shop. You can design mainly jpg and png files that you can take to a printer and get prints to then place in frames and place on your wall, give as gifts. Sometimes however, getting through the download stage can be challenging.

Recently a woman purchased a download from my Etsy Shop and despite knowing the file size and dimensions she was still a little puzzled as what to do with the files. She loved the prints but she had questions. All of which I answered.

The first question was: Could she run it through the Cricut machine and cut out the butterflies. I explained this was like the printed paper she would buy at Hobby Lobby, Michael’s and Joann’s.

So on to the next question. The second question was after I explained she’d need to print it out was could she do so on her printer. My answer: yes, her ink jet printer could handle the job but she may not be happy with the colors if you didn’t have the ink and the paper she was using was simple copy paper. Otherwise, a printshop would be best or even Walgreen’s, Target, would work,

Question 3: Had do I get them the files? Answer: email them to the store or simply go into the shop with her phone.

Question 4: How big could she print it. I said the print was square and the dimensions were 8×8 and that if she were to have it printed on an 8.5.×11 sheet of paper she’d have about 1.5 inches of black space at the top and bottom (11-8=3)

Look story short there were major challenges but we work through it.

Moral: provide your customer with more information than they need. They’ll appreciate it and so will you.



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